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Exercise can help with painful periods?

Some of the 2024 Olympic athletes spoke out on how their painful period affected them. CBC did a

Shorter wait times for IUDs starting in May 2023!

Starting in May 2023 there will be shorter wait times for (IUDs) intrauterine contraception devices, including the hormonal

Your COVID-19 vaccine helps us to look after you?

When you have both COVID-19 vaccines, there is less chance of your health care provider being infected which

Libido (sex drive) can be affected after a baby is born.

This can happen due to tiredness a mother experiences from looking after a newborn, with all of the

You don’t need a period every month.

Some women dislike having a monthly period. If you are on a form of birth control, when you

Kegel exercises aren’t always the best choice to help with bladder leaking.

That is, when we laugh, sneeze, cough or run for example, some women will have some leaking of

Pap testing guidelines have changed since Jun 12, 2020

From Jun 12, 2020, if you have not had a Pap smear in the last 39 months, OR

What is a dental dam? How do you make one?

A dental dam that can be a thin latex or polyurethane covering used to protect you from transmission

When to Take Your Next Birth Control Pills/Patch/Ring

If you are on a 28 day cycle, that is you have a birth control method that you

Our Clinic Grieves with Nova Scotia

When the COVID-19 pandemic arrived here in Nova Scotia, it was a time of fear and uncertainty for

The leading cause of death in women is heart disease.

Wear Red Day was celebrated on Feb 13, 2020 in Halifax. It was the second annual event,with a

Up to 70% of women that have Chlamydia have no symptoms.

Every female should be checked for Chlamydia with each new partner or if they have concerns. Symptoms can


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